Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Many of the recipes require garlic.  I hate messing with garlic for each recipe.  I purchased a package of frozen chopped garlic.  It came in a little mini ice tray thingy and you just push out one of the "cubes" and it equals a clove of garlic.

After using the purchased garlic for about 4 weeks, I found I had a plethora of garlic pods since they send me one pod and I wasn't using it.  One day when I had time and the kitchen was already messy, I cleaned and chopped all the garlic and made my own frozen chopped garlic.  I chopped the garlic and added just a very small amount of olive oil to make it stick together.  I put dabs of it on a plate and put the plate in the freezer to freeze the little globs.  Once frozen, I put them in a ziploc bag and now I have my own garlic "globs" which I made about the size of the "cubes" I bought to get started.   You could of course keep buying frozen "cubes" and use the provided garlic for something else.  Perhaps to get rid of vampires?   A friend told me you can rub it on acne but I must admit...I have never tried this...nor can I vouch for it's ability to get rid of vampires. 

If you don't have the patience or time to do it for each meal, this easy trick will save you time and frustration.  

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