Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Those Pesky Little Bottles

One problem I continually have is getting ingredients out of the little bottles when it is not pourable (I wish they would put in the little tub things instead).  Here's what I have discovered works best for me.  Take the items out of the refrigerator (I tend to put the entire knick knack bag in the fridge) as soon as you start cooking so the ingredients isn't too cold.  Turn the bottles upside down and tap them on the counter (with the bottle upside down the cap is now on the counter).  I tap them pretty hard.  This gets the ingredients to the end of the bottle closest to the cap.  Go about your prepping and when ready to use, unscrew the lid and squeeze the bottle (still holding it upside down).  When you have gotten out what you can, put the lid back on the bottle and once again tap on the counter to get the remaining contents to move towards the cap-end of the bottle.   Hope this helps....but I still wish they would put in a flat tub like container.  :-)

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